The unexpected imposed lockdown due to COVID19 has provided me with an opportunity to spring clean and refurbish Dizzy Tyke Designs web site. So what will you see differently….
- The home page now not only has quick links to the latest information posts, but also has direct links to the latest Instagram and Twitter feed.
- Store front – quick links to different sections of the site.
- Checkout – This is where you will see the biggest changes, with a customer friendly checkout process.
- Post and Package – is now free in the UK and for anywhere outside the UK the checkout will work out the best price for your purchases dependant on your location and basket content.
- Knitting patterns – PDF’s are downloadable immediately on completion of purchase, for you to print and use.
- Cushions – An easier to navigate pages to view goods , with all the materials and product information in a consistent format.
- Haberdashery – A growing range of products linked to the patterns to help you achieve a professional finish to your crafting.
So why not join my mailing list to get the latest site releases, special offers and discount code.

Many Thanks
Deb the ‘Dizzy Tyke’