The last couple of months have come and gone so quickly, first the weeks of rain when getting those indoor jobs like dying and stocktaking for the end of the year were top of the agenda. Then came the delights of Wonder Wool Wales, yet again anyone who attended couldn’t help but be amazed and drawn in by the delights of the small producers and businesses that now surround the Fibre World. I gravitated towards some of my stalwart suppliers of Wingham Woolworks , Wooltops and Colourcraft, but as always its a great opportunity to find new ones, this year Airedale Yarns and Woolyknit have caught my eye and their web sites are definitely well worth a visit or seek them out at the next show you visit.

You just know when the weather has been far too good and this last couple of weeks have meant knitting in the garden and getting that Wonderwool yarn dyed dried and caked has took up my time. The down side is I now have 3 NEW designs finished just waiting for the patterns to be finalised, but knitting and caking in the sun has been too good an opportunity to miss.
New Patterns being published before the summer include the Ockeridge a super chunky cable sleep sack, the Ryall a baby blanked knitted in chunky yarn in the round and the Redmarley a scrumptious 4 ply scarf.
A good article to read this month is Hand Health from Loveknitting.
Happy Knitting