Well its been a while since the last post, due to Covid this area of the business has taken a back seat. But as the world is reopening and spring is in the air a new regular feature to the web site will be posts.
Although I do have different platforms I sell on coming direct to the maker is always preferential. To celebrate this use the coupon code DIRECT10 to get a 10% discount on all cushions until the end of March 2021.
The range of cushions avayalbe is constantly evolving and changing. Evolving because customers request designs that once developed are prefect to join the selection and changing because the materials available for cushions and appliqué is never constant. This is because I source my fabrics from excess stock and end of line, meaning that its always new fabric but often repurposed.
Here are a few recently added. Including the new kid on the block the rear view of the ever popular Defender.
New additions to the range of knitting patterns has also taken a back seat through this unusual year…but this amazing ladies cardigan is in the final stages of pattern checking. The Fladbury should be released in time for Easter. Follow me on Instagram for updates and discount codes.

Many thanks for viewing my update and I look forward to seeing you in Instagram.

Deb (The Dizzy Tyke)